Thursday, April 06, 2006

Recipe - Stir Fry Pork Tenderloin on Rice

There are a few easy recipes that I have for myself, in order to mix things up a bit, for dinners. Here is something I made the other night;

Stir Fry Pork with Chinese Rice

1 pork tenderloin
1 bag of stirfry veggies (these are usually premade at stores, which is good for singles)
1 pkg of Dainty Chinese Fried Rice
1 tblsp soy sauce
1 tblsp oilve oil
1/2 tsp crushed chilis
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook up the rice, according to the package.
2. Add some olive oil to a pan on medium heat.
3. Add the bag of veggies, and cook halfway.
4. Add pork tenderloin, sliced, to veggies.
5. Cook until done, and add soya sauce, crushed chilis, and salt and pepper to taste.
6. Voila! Serve stirfry on rice bed, and enjoy! Makes enough for 2, if you don't want to look like a pig in front of your date...otherwise, dig in, and definitely head to the couch after for a snooze on a full tummy!

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