Saturday, April 22, 2006

Review - O Marinheiro Restaurant, Hamilton

Another month has passed, and again, it was time for Bob and I to check out what the local restaurants had to offer. This month was my choice, so I flipped through the entertainment book, to see what would stand out.

On the way home from work, I drive through an area of town, which has a heavy Portuguese population, and I had remembered Bob telling me about a great seafood place on James St. N. We met up at a little patio bar on James, and had a few cold beers, since the weather was great. We decided on O Marinheiro, to check out the seafood.

The place was cozy, and there were a few people there, but not too many. Bob and I also decided, that rather than order off the menu, we asked the owner to give us a meal that would impress, and reminded her that we were hungry. To make the evening authentic, we stuck with Portuguese beer, and the food started to flow.

We started with a soup - a simple chicken noodle soup, but with the fresh portuguese roll, it was tasty. The next course, they brought out some deep fried squid. The egg batter was nice and light, and the squid was good. On to the next course...they have a fish platter, so we had that - 4 types of fish - redfish, sole, a cod type fish, and a fish that tasted like smelt, but a fair size bigger. All pieces of fish were lightly deep fried, served with rice and a salad. The fish was excellent, but it would have been nice if we didn't have to take the bones out. After the fish, we were ready for the next course - shellfish. Almost like a gumbo, the platter was spicy, and contained a lobster, a snowcrab, huge mussels, and lots of shrimp. We dug in, and needless to say, the bite of the spices was a nice change from the usual steamed shellfish we were used to.

After licking our fingers and needing to be hosed off, we inquired about dessert. We asked her to mix it up, and she brought out 3 for us to split and try, mentioning that they were all portuguese desserts.

First, was an egg custard - like a creme caramel. This is one of my favorite desserts, so I enjoyed it. The second dessert was a type of heavy meringue - light for dessert. The last was a like a custard tart. It was sweet, and complimented the espresso/cappucinos we had to end dinner.

To top the dinner off, and for us letting the kitchen do their stuff, the owner brought us a couple of brandys on the house. A nice touch and finish to an ecellent meal!

The damage? &89, excluding tip. Can't beat the O Marinheiro (The Sailor) Restaurant for a home cooked seafood dinner, with a Portuguese flair. We will definitely be going back there again. Considering that our usual tabs approach $200, this was well worth the price.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Recipe - Grant's Chicken Cacciatore

I like chicken. I look for recipes on, and usually I don't have all the ingredients needed to make something from the list...I don't know what spices to have on, I have to improvise. Usually, I grab the temperature that I have to cook something, and lo and behold, *poof*, I end up with a great dinner. Here's what I had tonight;

Grant's Chicken Cacciatore

4 chicken legs
1 tbsp olive oil
1 can of mushrooms
1 bottle of tomato sauce (I use PC tomato and basil sauce - cheap, and good)
salt and pepper
some garlic powder
some crushed chilis
some hot chilis

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Brown chicken pieces in olive oil.
3. Lay in casserole dish.
4. Saute mushrooms in pan (use the chicken fat and left over oil in the pan), until they
are browned on the edges.
5. Salt, pepper, garlic powder, and crush chili the chicken to your taste.
6. Pour mushrooms over chicken.
7. Pour tomato sauce over chicken and mushrooms.
8. Bake in the oven until finished (about an hour).
9. Serve and enjoy!

Tonight, I had spinach and boiled new taters with it...and of course, a bottle of Peller Estates Baco Noir 2004. Dinner was delicious, easy to make, and I still have most of the bottle left to have this evening while I blog!

Enjoy the recipe!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Recipe - Stir Fry Pork Tenderloin on Rice

There are a few easy recipes that I have for myself, in order to mix things up a bit, for dinners. Here is something I made the other night;

Stir Fry Pork with Chinese Rice

1 pork tenderloin
1 bag of stirfry veggies (these are usually premade at stores, which is good for singles)
1 pkg of Dainty Chinese Fried Rice
1 tblsp soy sauce
1 tblsp oilve oil
1/2 tsp crushed chilis
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook up the rice, according to the package.
2. Add some olive oil to a pan on medium heat.
3. Add the bag of veggies, and cook halfway.
4. Add pork tenderloin, sliced, to veggies.
5. Cook until done, and add soya sauce, crushed chilis, and salt and pepper to taste.
6. Voila! Serve stirfry on rice bed, and enjoy! Makes enough for 2, if you don't want to look like a pig in front of your date...otherwise, dig in, and definitely head to the couch after for a snooze on a full tummy!